
Submitted bySkypostal on星期一,03/04/2019 - 16:00

国际贸易展的准备工作似乎是一项艰巨的任务. 与国内展会不同, preparing for an international trade show requires extra time and planning to account for the travel, extra expenses, 后勤安排, 还有语言障碍.

为什么要承受国际贸易展的压力呢? International trade shows provide a great way for small businesses to both explore new markets and expand relationships in countries where they’re already selling. According to Evo Exhibits, there are five primary benefits to exhibiting at a trade show—whether international or domestic:

  • 提高消费者和行业专家的品牌知名度

  • 建立新的业务关系

  • 为您的销售团队找到高度针对性的线索

  • 更多地了解你的竞争对手

  • 发现您所在行业的最新发展和技术

The myriad benefits of attending and exhibiting at an international trade show don’t come without a cost, though. Exhibiting even at domestic shows requires things like booth space and marketing collateral, 哪些会让公司付出代价 thousands of dollars. 当你加上额外的旅行和运输费用时, 国际贸易展的筹备成本可能会飙升得更高.


International trade shows are a great way
to learn about new markets. – Image source


这就是为什么国际贸易展的准备工作如此重要. With the proper planning, you can keep costs down and get the most value out of efforts abroad. International events of this nature can change the way you approach every aspect of a trade show opportunity: marketing tactics, 面对面的互动, 运输您的产品和附属品到展会, 甚至是你发的名片.

With that in mind, here are 7 ways to help make your international trade show preparation a huge success.


  1. 了解你的贸易展览的目标

在你决定在国际贸易展上展出之前, 确定你出勤的主要目标. Your main objective will depend on whether or not you have an established sales presence in the country already.

如果你在这个国家没有固定的销售网点, an international trade show exhibit can be a great way to interact personally with future customers and your local competition. There are plenty of resources to help you discover trade shows for your industry; if you’ve done your research into foreign markets, then choose the country you want to start selling in and find the right show.

如果你已经在这个国家建立了销售机构, odds are you’re exhibiting for one of two reasons: sales meetings or product exposure. 在贸易展上面对面的会议 nearly 50% 比在潜在客户的办公室见面便宜. 这种成本节约在国际贸易展览中尤其如此, where you can hold multiple meetings in the same place during a single trip instead of requiring multiple costly visits. 如果你的目标是提高产品的曝光率, you’re in luck—that just so happens to be the number one reason people attend trade shows.

  1. Do Your Research

如果你刚到举办展会的国家或地区, 在你陷得太深之前,对这个领域进行研究是至关重要的. Business culture and practices vary widely from country to country in places like Latin America, 当你计划你的展览时,你需要知道这些区别.

Trade show season starts heating up in January across Latin America, for example. With the exception of the months of August and December, it continues steadily throughout the year. 大型展会(每场都有数千人参加)包括:

  • 美洲的哥伦比亚蛇 在哥伦比亚购买服装、鞋子、皮革制品、织物和设备

  • Expo ANTAD & Alimentaria in Mexico for merchandise including food and beverages, personal care products and furniture

  • FEICON BATIMAT in Brazil for hardware, lighting, kitchen and bath, and construction equipment

  • Arminera in Argentina, 供应商的国际贸易展览会, suppliers, 以及矿业和能源部门的决策者

如果你参加的是一个贸易展,你可以当场销售, 你可能需要做的不仅仅是在手边有一台信用卡机. 占拉丁美洲人口的49% and the Caribbean are unbanked, and cash vouchers make it possible for them to pay digitally. 还有许多其他可接受的付款方式, 包括银行转帐和分期付款, 支付方式的普及程度也因国而异.

语言是另一个重要的考虑因素. 而英语是国际商务的通用语言, 如果你参加的是地区性的贸易展, 它可能不是主导语言. Reach out to the company producing the trade show to understand the demographics and language expectations. If possible, take someone with you who speaks the language and is familiar with the local culture.

When it comes to international trade show preparation, you can never ask too many questions.

  1. Consider the Timing

找足够的时间准备国内贸易展览可能很难, 但国际贸易展览又增加了另一层困难. 要做好充分的准备,你需要大约一年的时间.

For international trade shows, consider the time it takes to get passports and visas for your staff. You’ll also need to build in time to coordinate logistics in a foreign country—and, potentially, in a foreign language.

Shipping time for items in the exhibit is one thing many people don’t consider until it’s too late. All of the supplies you need to make your exhibit pop need to pass through customs, 哪一种会使发货时间延长几天或几周, 视国家而定.


国际贸易展览会的准备工作需要一个专门的团队. – Image source


  1. 发货还是不发货?

The design (and cost) of your booth hinges upon whether you want to ship—thus, 购买或租用你的摊位. Renting is a good option for your international trade show preparation if you’ll be attending multiple trade shows in one trip or you change your branding often.

如果您选择购买和运输您的展位, 你需要有足够的时间在到达后组装它. Work with a logistics provider who specializes in shipping to the country in which the trade show is located. If you’re shipping your booth to Colombia, for example, a company like SkyPostal has a trusted 端到端快递网络 确保您的展位准时到达.

  1. 为你的用户设计

You’ve decided who your target audience is and how you’re going to get your booth there—now you can begin designing it. The booth needs to 一次完成很多事情支持你的贸易展目标, promote your brand, 让你在竞争中脱颖而出.

International trade shows add another layer of design complexity because you may need to create a booth that has a display in multiple languages.

如果你打算把你的摊位运过去, make sure you create a design that can survive the long trip—and bring backup components for fragile items, like lighting.


展台设计影响观众的参与度. – Image source


  1. Train the Sales Team

The team you send to either a domestic or international trade show needs to be well trained. 作为公司在展会上的代表, 销售团队必须知道如何着装, how to interact, 以及对产品的评价.

International trade show preparation also requires addressing challenges like language barriers and cultural differences. In Colombia, for example, being late to a meeting is not seen as offensive and is rather common in business. 所以如果你在演出期间安排会议, your sales team will need to be prepared for lateness and expect meetings to run long.

  1. Work Local Contacts

国际贸易展是与当地零售商建立bet36体育投注的好机会, suppliers, 和物流供应商,因为你在海外建立业务. Take time away from the trade show floor to meet face-to-face with your current local contacts or prospective local contacts.


Successful international trade show preparation requires solid logistics knowledge and expertise about the country where your trade show is taking place. 随着你在拉丁美洲的业务增长, 您需要一个了解该地区运输特点的合作伙伴.

Get in touch today to learn how we can help support your business’s new shipping needs in Latin America.